It is possible for a user to earn arbitrage profit risk-free by manipulating the liquidity ratio using consecutive deposit/withdrawal and swaps. To prevent such misuse of the protocol, and to sustain the protocol over the long run, it is imperative that a deposit/withdrawal fee is charged to cancel such profit, and a small swap fee charged to sustain it.
Net Liquidity Ratio (NLR)
All fees calculations revolve around a central parameter, Net Liquidity Ratio (NLR).
Where does this fees go?
Depending on the NLR, a part of fees goes into the treasury, a part of it stays in the protocol to cover the NLR while the remaining goes to LPs for providing liquidity. LPs will earn a fixed swap fee, while the fees between treasury and protocol will depend on NLR. Initially, the distribution between treasury and protocol will be given as:
The remaining % remains in the system to increase the NLR.
Last updated